HUManAID Project: HUMan-centered Assisted Intelligent Dynamic systems with SENSing technologies (TED2021-129485B-C1)
PhyUM contributes actively in the HumanAID project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and the European Union “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR.
Within the HUManAID project, our aim is to bridge the gap between what intelligent systems offer and what is genuinely required for complete autonomous functioning. We are constructing a framework that fosters the creation of adaptive systems, employing a user-centered design to facilitate the development of systems that align with users’ evolving needs and characteristics. To tackle this gap and progress on the level of autonomy and performance of these intelligent systems, this project focuses on developing a common ground of digital user–centric intelligent technologies that combine inter–subject and intra–subject approaches within highly sensed scenarios that consider ecological needs. The purpose here is to understand and detect user and system needs in an innovative collaborative way user–system/system–user using the minimum electronic and computational resources so that the user increases performance and satisfaction along with the system, which in turn increases its level of autonomous functioning and adequacy to cater for the user and the context changing needs within the given situation.
The HUManAID project is articulated around five multidisciplinary scenarios diverse in scope, needs, devices and processing needs: (i) self–learning in autonomous driving systems, (ii) understanding the student cognitive and emotional needs within intelligent tutoring systems, (iii) sensing online collaborative learning, (iv) improving psychomotor performance for motor skills acquisition, active aging and rehabilitation, and (v) training on the prevention of occupational hazards at work with industrial machinery.
In particular, in PhyUM we focus on the fourth one, and thus, we are working on defining an engineering-based framework to develop intelligent psychomotor systems that can guide the learning of motor skills in a personalized way, following the hybrid intelligence paradigm so that humans and machines collaborate during the system functionality. For this, we focus on assuring an ethical use of the technology, through a Collaborative, Adaptative and Responsible Artificial Intelligent assisted by eXplainability framework that we have named CARAIX.